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This is how you make your house a little greener

This is how you make your house a little greener
this is how you make your house a little greener

It’s hard to avoid the news of the effects of climate change wreaking havoc around the world, from animal extinctions to natural disasters like the recent floods in Australia.

You may be wondering how people can help? Well, one way is to make their homes more eco-friendly.


What can I do every day?

It may feel like being green is such a big task that it’s impossible for you to ever get it “right,” and to be honest, it is.

However, going green isn’t something you can do right away and it takes time. You don’t have to change everything at once, and you can do it little by little.

There are dozens of things you can do every day to be more eco-friendly, but the key is to do them consistently over time.

Here are a few options to get you started.

Be a conscious energy consumer

Energy is a big issue for all of us, but if everyone worked to use less energy and use renewable energy sources instead, it would have a huge impact on the environment.

Being more conscious of your energy use means everything from turning off lights you aren’t using to installing alternative energy options like heat pumps.

You may be wondering why you should choose a heat pump? Heat pumps are far more efficient than other heating systems; They are more environmentally friendly and work in tandem with the heat generated by the sun.

They only use electricity to pump heat from a cold area to a warmer area. Heat pumps can be used in both private households and companies. These systems can also be used in conjunction with solar panels, further reducing energy costs.

Insulate your home

Insulating your home is an effective way to reduce your energy consumption.

Insulation prevents this heat from escaping, making your home more energy efficient. There are a number of insulation materials including sheep’s wool, cellulose fiber and glass wool.

It is also possible to insulate a building with “ceiling-based” approaches such as air cell, foam glass or airgel insulation.

To learn more about isolation read this article.

Install energy efficient lighting and appliances

Lighting has the ability to significantly reduce energy consumption in a home or business.

Energy-efficient lighting not only saves on electricity costs, but can also help reduce your carbon footprint.

Most energy-saving lamps use less energy than their conventional counterparts.

You can also help save money by upgrading to a more efficient dishwasher and refrigerator, as well as a more efficient heating system.

Install a solar system on your roof

Installing a solar panel on your roof can reduce or even eliminate your summer electricity bills!

Because the sun’s energy can be used both to heat water and to generate electricity. If you have a solar power system installed on your roof, the sun’s rays will be captured as they pass through the panels.

Solar systems are not particularly recommended for homes that do not get many hours of sunshine in their area.

To learn more about solar, read this article on how it works in detail.

Use environmentally friendly cleaning products

Many household cleaners contain harmful chemicals that can be harmful to the environment.

By switching to alternative cleaning products, you are helping to reduce the number of harmful chemicals entering the natural environment.

There are many brands of eco-friendly cleaners out there, and they don’t cost much more than their traditional counterparts.

Switch off the light – if possible

This simple advice can save you a fortune.

If possible, turn off a light when not in use. You can also avoid using unnecessary light in activities such as reading or watching TV.

One way to tell if you’re using too much light is to look at your electricity bill – if you see an increase of more than 10% on your bill, it may be time to look for other ways to manage your electricity consumption to lower.

Creating and maintaining a vegetable garden

Gardening can be a great way to help the environment in a variety of ways, from providing food for yourself or someone else to helping with erosion control.

It can also be an important part of your food chain. Many plants act as insect repellents, trapping and absorbing pesticides (some of which can get into your food).

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